How To Be More Environmentally Friendly At Home

Dec 2021
Portal Range light

Over the last few weeks the eyes of the world have been upon the many world leaders that have descended upon the COP26 conference as they look to solve the climate crisis. During this time many of us have also been thinking deeply about how we can make more sustainable choices within our own homes and day-to-day lives. By harnessing the ‘Power of One’ – the notion that small changes add up to a lot and can make a real and significant impact – we can all make simple switches that the planet will thank us for. Here’s just a small selection which we hope will inspire you to make greener choices!

1. Don’t wash your dishes

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We don’t mean stop for the rest of time – but did you know that a dishwasher is more water efficient than handwashing? So swap the washing up bowl for a stacked dishwasher, safe in the knowledge you are doing your bit to save the planet.

2. Put the lawn mower away

Ok, we’re not trying to encourage you to be lazy, and this one might sound a bit mad, but you can help save the bees by putting the lawn mower away. The reason for this is simple – most lawns are full of dandelions, buttercups and daisies, all of which bees absolutely adore. By keeping your lawns full of these perfect pollinating plants, you can help keep the bees happy all summer long. Admittedly, this might not be the most aesthetically pleasing or realistic way to look after your garden but leaving even a small section to grow wildly will pay dividends for the bees in your area.
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3. Reusable water bottle

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At its peak, the UK used over 15 million single-use plastic water bottles every single day – that’s an average of 117 bottles per person annually. That’s a lot of plastic.

Did you also know that a standard plastic water bottle can break down into 10,000 microplastics; microplastics that are incredibly hard to clean up. In fact, once they hit the ecosystem, these microplastics can wreak havoc, killing hundreds of thousands of animals and marine life every year.

This may make for disheartening reading but there is a very simple solution – reusable water bottles. By switching to a reusable water bottle we can help to minimise the risk of these harmful microplastics from ever reaching our oceans and wildlife environs. Moving away from a reliance on single use plastic water bottles also has a cost saving element across the supply chain. Plus reusable water bottles also look great and allow you to express your personality with the design and colours.

4. In fact, say goodbye to plastic once and for all!

Our reliance on plastic is far reaching and it’s become so ingrained in our day to day that sometimes we don’t even realise how much plastic we are subjected to. The lovely people at Friends of the Earth have outlined six ways to reduce ‘pointless’ plastic in our everyday, from teabags to toothpaste, clingfilm to vegetables. How many do you think you can incorporate?

5. Plant trees whilst browsing the internet

The internet is a huge part of our daily life but did you know that with the Ecosia search engine you can help plant a tree every time you click on an advert within search results. If Google is your search engine of choice, then worry not as it’s been reported that they are buying enough green power to match all its electricity needs.
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6. Switch to a renewable energy supplier

Did you know that there are now several green energy suppliers, such as Ecotricity, Good Energy, Bulb, and Octopus Energy, that help you to make a difference to the planet every time you pop the kettle on. These suppliers are dedicated to only using renewable electricity and often actively oppose harmful practices such as fracking.

7. Subscribe to an organic veg box

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘food miles’ and for many the aim is to reduce these food miles to as low a number as possible. This means that the food they are eating comes from the local region only. This not only supports local growers and businesses, but it also means the food they are eating has an incredibly small carbon footprint. Ordering an organic veg box not only helps keep pollinators safe from chemicals, but it also invites less plastic waste into your home and can help cut down on separate car journeys – in turn, reducing your carbon emissions.
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To be even more eco, why not add a veggie patch to your garden? Home growing is not only a great way to keep you active, but it means your food has almost no mileage before hitting your plate. Those living in apartments or where outside space is at a premium can also do their bit by growing herbs, lettuce, chillies and even tomatoes on windowsills.

8. Reuse, repurpose and recycle

One of the simplest ways to make your life more eco-friendly is to look at the way we dispose of things. For instance, if you have had enough of your jumper – don’t throw it away. Why not sell it on one of the many sales apps such as eBay or Vinted? Or repurpose it into a cushion or blanket for your dog or cat? Most items can either be recycled, repurposed or reused… jam jars become candle holders, wrapping paper can do the rounds a few more times, vegetable scraps from the dining table can become compost to boost your garden, shampoo bottles can be recycled back into shampoo bottles……the cycle can be endless and always designed to support the environment.

9. Throw your weight behind brands that care

Found a brand that is on a mission to support the environment? Then make them your new best friend! And then tell your friends, and their friends, and their friends………supporting businesses that are dedicated to making a difference is an easy win for all parties!
At LifestyleGarden® we have introduced a plethora of materials that blend sustainability with the ultimate in style and performance, all backed by our motto ‘Doing Business the Right Way”. You can find out more about these materials here, whilst further details about our commitment to our employees and the world around us can be found here.



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